
Dear Galériens Hello !

Welcome to the web site, reserved for residents of Port la Galère.
Registrations are momentarily stopped here, lack of involvement of stakeholders. To communicate between galeriens_, you still:

The private group of owners on Facebook :

The field on Facebook Page (Click for love) :

Or follow us on Instagram (identify your @portlagalere photos) :

The goal, is to create the link, and communication, in our beautiful marina. Community works, friendly, participative, and to facilitate sharing between galeriens_ moments.

Our site includes all the centres of interest, and organize them, to find them easily.

Thanks to the discussions forum, all issues of the daily life of our residence, are referred to on various themes. Moderators encourage, the discussions open and respectful.

A calendar of events, that each Member can information, with new activities, its happened, Carpool… A real directory, for the galeriens_, nothing is missing!

Even away from la_galere, you will participate in his life, Don't miss anything, important things!

This web site has been created him 7 April 2006, but the events, make it more useful.

www.PortLaGalere.EU is equipped with an automatic translation system to help reading in other languages. N translation ’ is perfect but not enough. Carefully choose his words, using the maximum punctuation, facilitates the automatic translation, in other languages…

A call for donations is required, because management, does not promote this initiative, for obscure reasons.

Pascal PASTOR.

0€ of 10.000€ raised
Personal Info

Donation Total: 10,00€