A map to the treasure of the galley slaves is in preparation for this summer. For l ’ organize, j ’ I need ’ help and equipment (boxes waterproof, notebook, little treasures). Discussions are going on the forum. Thank you ’ for your help. If you are in online mode, You can create […]

Geocaching port_la_galere

The best moments in pictures of port_la_galere on Instagram. To automatically show your photos here, just the tag #portlagalere on Instagram. [wdi_feed id=”2″]

Les Galériens_ Instagram

A new winner will be added and exposed here each month. The competition is in our discussion Forum, only one vote will be possible by photo, the votes at month end closing! The rules are simple: The photo must be taken in the current month to theoule_sur_mer, the […]

Photo contest

Useful links to services and activities page, near port_la_galere, to facilitate the life of the galeriens_. If you know other practical information, Please add them using the form at the bottom.   City Hall of theoule_sur_mer here-> Office of tourism here-> INSEE statistics here-> […]

Useful links

If you like www.PortLaGalere.EU for its qualities, and freedom of ’ expression given to the co-owners… Thank you for letting, a few encouraging words, for the time spent, and the job volunteered 🙂
